The high and increasing global burden of cancer highlights the need for effective implementation of primary cancer prevention programmes targeting modifiable risk factors. However, evidence-based programmes with proven effectiveness in controlled settings often fail when implemented in the real world due to ineffective adaptation and implementation strategies that address context-specific barriers, leading to programme failure and public health inequities. There is a need to provide decision-makers and implementers with tools to effectively adapt and implement evidence-based cancer prevention programmes.

The main objective of the PIECES project is to improve the reach and effectiveness of primary prevention programmes. With a consortium of 15 partners, the project team will develop an innovative toolkit, known as the PCP Integrated Implementation Toolkit (PCP-IT), designed to guide and assist users in selecting, adapting, and implementing cancer prevention programmes.


PIECES aims to increase the reach and effectiveness of primary cancer prevention programmes in Europe and beyond. This overarching mission can be broken down into six specific objectives.

Work Packages

The 8 Work Packages of the project will bring together various and complementary expertise from consortium partners.

Implementation Sites

PIECES is structured in two phases: The first phase is aimed at developing the PCP-IT. The second phase involves a comparative case study in multiple locations. The toolkit will be implemented and evaluated in 10 countries with diverse socio-cultural backgrounds and access to up to 77.7 million people.

Project Partners

The project brings together 15 partners from 10 countries with a complementary range of expertise including public health, cancer epidemiology, technical expertise, theoretical background in implementation science and access to real-world implementation settings.

Project Facts

PIECES has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme under the Grant Agreement GA 101104390.

Duration: 4 years (June 2023 – May 2027)
Coordination: ICO (Institut Català d’Oncologia, Spain)

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