
German Network for Tobacco Free Healthcare Services (Germany)
The German Network for Tobacco Free Healthcare Services (Deutsches Netz Rauchfreier Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitseinrichtungen e.V., DNRfK) supports implementation of tobacco control standards in healthcare services. With “smoke-free plus”, members of the network integrate tobacco cessation in treatment processes and denormalize tobacco consumption on their premises. Implementation is based on a self-audit tool and step-by-step change process coordinated by an implementation team and supported by exchange of best practice and a peer review. Implementation of systematic screening, brief intervention and referral to the Quitline with the “smoke-free ticket” is funded by the German Federal Centre for Health Education and lead by the DNRfK team. To support nurse’s role in tobacco control and network of nursing schools is established. Nursing teachers get trained to implement a program to reduce tobacco use among nursing students and to integrate training in brief interventions as a standard part of nursing education. The network is seen as a nationally valuable platform for the development of further tobacco-control programs in health care and received the WHO World No Tobacco Day Award 2021.

Christa Rustler
Christa Rustler is the managing director of the German Network for Tobacco Free Healthcare Services. She leads projects to implement international standards of health promotion & tobacco control in healthcare in Germany since 2002 and was founding member of the Global Network for Tobacco free Healthcare Services. She began her career as Nurse, specialized in Intensive Care, Nursing Education, Quality & Change Management. She studied Health Communication (B.Sc.) and European Health Promotion and Health Management. In her work she’s driven by “make it happen – make it work” and found in implementation science and practice the concepts and tools and in networks the partner for it.

Jennifer Sauerwald
Jennifer Sauerwald works as a research assistant in the German Network of Tobacco-Free Health Services. She has experience in prevention and health promotion projects in the healthcare system in Germany since 2018 and began her career as a Nurse specialized in Geriatric Care. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Health and Care Management and a Master of Science in Management and Quality Development in Healthcare. Since 2022 she works for health promotion and tobacco control projects in the German Network of Tobacco-Free Health Services.