
Helsen Bergen HF (Norway)
Haukeland University Hospital is the second largest university hospital in Norway, known for its extensive investment in medical and health-related research and innovation. The primary aim of research and innovation at Haukeland University Hospital (HUH) is to enhance health services and provide effective, high-quality healthcare in a secure way. Forhelse SFI (Centre for Digital Healthcare) is a research-based innovation project led by Haukeland University Hospital. Funded by The Research Council of Norway, Forhelse encompasses multi-year research and innovation projects that involve close collaboration with national and international partners in academia, industry, health services, and user organizations. This initiative focuses on advancing healthcare solutions to improve accessibility and quality of care.

Robin Maria Francisca Kenter
Dr. Robin Kenter is a researcher at the Research Centre for Digital Health Services at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway. This centre aims to enhance access to safe and evidence-based healthcare services. Robin holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from VU University in Amsterdam and has extensive experience as both a researcher and clinical psychologist. Robins research is centred on the development, clinical evaluation, and implementation of digital health services across various settings. In Norway, she leads a work package focused on implementation research in Forhelse SFI. With a robust background in psychology and implementation science, her role in the PIECES project involves examining the implementation of primary cancer prevention programs across Europe and beyond. This includes investigating determinants, strategies, and processes of implementation.

Hanne Karoline Hinderaker
Hanne Karoline Hinderaker is a research consultant at the Research Centre for Digital Health Services at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway. This centre aims to enhance access to safe and evidence-based healthcare services. Hanne is a trained nurse from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). In the PIECES project, Hanne works on the repository of implementation determinants for primary cancer prevention programs and contributes to the PCP-IT.