ISPAH 2024 Conference: Presenting the PIECES Project

At the ISPAH conference in Paris, PhD Candidate Nikita Hensen from the PIECES partner Amsterdam University Medical Center (AUMC) delivered a short oral presentation on the “Development of the Primary Cancer Prevention Implementation Toolkit”, the cornerstone of the PIECES Project. The conference, organized by the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), brought together experts and practitioners from around the world to share the latest research and strategies for improving global health outcomes.

During her presentation, Nikita discussed how the toolkit can enhance the implementation of cancer prevention interventions by helping to adapt primary cancer prevention (PCP) interventions to better align with local contexts and develop tailored, context-specific implementation plans. The presentation highlighted the toolkit’s added value in advancing scientific knowledge in the field of implementation science, particularly in cancer prevention, and its broader societal impact—reducing cancer morbidity and mortality, addressing public health inequalities, and promoting healthier populations globally. Moreover, the toolkit promises economic benefits through more efficient and effective use of resources in cancer prevention programs.

The PIECES project received strong positive feedback from conference attendees, who acknowledged its importance and expressed interest in the results of our ongoing evaluation and real-world applications of the toolkit.

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