
Stichting Trimbos (The Netherlands)
Trimbos is an independent non-profit research and knowledge institute providing research, policy, and practice-based advice for policy makers and professionals on mental health and substance use across the life course. Trimbos has the Netherlands Expertise Centre for Tobacco control (NET) and the Expertise Centre on Alcohol (EA) to support professionals and implement evidence-based interventions for reducing tobacco and alcohol consumption, with potential reach to all 17,7 million inhabitants of the Netherlands. Trimbos collaborates closely with several partner organizations, including the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (specifically, the WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Product Regulation and Control), the Netherlands Network for Tobacco Researchers, the Partnership Stop Smoking, and national health charities that are active in cancer prevention, such as the Cancer Society, Hearth Foundation and Lung Foundation. In collaboration with Santé publique France, Trimbos chairs a EuroHealthNet thematic working group on Social Marketing to Address Addictions, focussing on tobacco and alcohol prevention.

Sigrid Troelstra
Dr. Sigrid Troelstra obtained a master’s degree in Management, Policy analysis and Entrepreneurship at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, with specializations in health policy and international public health. In her PhD-thesis she evaluated the effects of smoking cessation policies and interventions at national and local levels, including occupational settings. Sigrid is currently working as a senior researcher at the Netherlands Expertise Center for Tobacco control at the Trimbos Institute. She is the project leader of the implementation site in the Netherlands.

Bethany Hipple Walters
Dr. Bethany Hipple Walters is the Director for the Centre for Implementation at the Trimbos Institute and an implementation scientist for tobacco control studies at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her research focuses on understanding how evidence-based health care programs are implemented in practice. She also teaches qualitative research methods and research design at the Webster University Leiden.

Marc Willemsen
Prof. Marc Willemsen is endowed professor in Tobacco Control Research at Maastricht University and head of the tobacco control department at the Trimbos Institute. Marc is a national and international expert on smoking cessation and (effectiveness of) tobacco control. He published more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles and is author of the book on tobacco policy making “Tobacco control policy in the Netherlands: between economy, public health, and ideology.”

Carmen Voogt
Dr. Carmen Voogt earned her master’s degree in Public Health & Society at Wageningen University & Research. She completed her PhD that focused on the effectiveness of a web-based brief alcohol intervention entitled ‘What Do You Drink’ in reducing heavy drinking among adolescents and young adults. She then started her postdoctoral research on the influence of parental alcohol use on alcohol-related cognitions of children (4-8 years old). Currently, she works as project leader of the Expertise center on Alcohol of the Trimbos Institute.

Jasmijn Breunese
Jasmijn Breunese MSc. graduated from the Radboud University in Nijmegen with a research master’s degree in Behavioural Science. After obtaining her degree, she continued working at the university on a large-scale international project on the development of a personalized treatment selection approach for individuals with depression. She switched fields and now works full-time on the pieces-project as a junior researcher at the Netherlands Expertise Center for Tobacco control at the Trimbos Institute.